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This section of the appliance allows the user to work directly with the Tape Drives attached to the system.

List Tapes

To generate a list of all Tapes on the system, run the command;

> tapes > list

Mount Command

The appliance accepts any normal Linux like mount commands to work with the tapes.

> tapes > mt <device> <command>

  • <device> - Tape device information (i.e. st0, st1, etc)
  • <command> - Standard magnetic tape commands.

Useful mt Commands

  • eof, weof - Write count EOF marks at current position.
  • fsf - Forward space count files. The tape is positioned on the first block of the next file.
  • bsf - Backward space count files. The tape is positioned on the first block of the next file.
  • fsr - Forward space count records.
  • bsr - Backward space count records.
  • bsfm - Backward space count file marks. The tape is positioned on the beginning-of-the-tape side of the file mark.
  • fsfm - Forward space count file marks. The tape is positioned on the beginning-of-the-tape side of the file mark.
  • asf - Absolute space to file number count. Equivalent to rewind followed by fsf count.
  • seek - Seek to block number count.
  • eom - Space to the end of the recorded media on the tape (for appending files onto tapes).
  • rewind - Rewind the tape.
  • rewoffl - Rewind the tape and, if applicable, unload the tape.
  • offline - Sets the status of the tape to offline.
  • status - Print status information about the tape unit.
  • retension - Rewind the tape, then wind it to the end of the reel, then rewind it again.
  • erase - Erase the tape.

Use this link to go back to the main Devices - Tape Drives Page.