Use this tool to create or edit partitions on the Tranzman Appliance.
Step 1
Navigate through the SRL Support Menu to launch parted.
> srl_support > parted /dev/sdb Please enter One time passcode: XXXXX GNU Parted 2.1 Using /dev/sdb Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands. |
Step 2
Set the label to GPT for disks bigger than 2TB.
> parted /dev/sdb mklabel gpt |
Note: Make sure to align partitions correctly or performance will be very poor. If a partition needs to be modified, the system will produce a warning message similar to the one below. |
Warning: The resulting partition is not properly aligned for best performance. Ignore/Cancel? |
Step 3
Create the first partition starting from 2048KB, this will be the logs (10% of database) area.
> parted mkpart primary 2048KiB 10GiB |
Step 4
Create the next partitions using the last number from the previous partition as the starting point. This will be the swap partition. i.e. 2 x Memory on the machine.
> parted mkpart primary 10GiB 26GiB |
Step 5
Create a database area which includes 2 x combined number of records for all environments (images, media workloads, etc * 512k).
> parted mkpart primary 26GiB 126GiB |
Step 6
Now create the data area (2.5 x the combined size of the origin catalogs).
> parted mkpart primary 126GiB 512GiB |
Step 7
Lastly create the datastore area (2GB for same vendor migrations). For cross vendor, this will need to be the largest of either;
- 5 x size of the largest image in the catalog
- 2.5 x size of uncompressed media x number of drives to be used
> parted mkpart primary 512GiB 22560GiB |
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